It seems that there always has to be something going on in my family...first Ty, then Mary, now me. I spent the morning in the doctor's office (thanks to my bosses'). I have been struggling to go on my own, even though I have had several people tell me that they thought that I should go get checked out. After talking to the doctor and having a physical, it is his opinion that I have something called hyperthyroidism. I have had my blood drawn, and I have a thyroid scan scheduled for tomorrow. On Monday, we should have the answers. I have another doctor appointment on Friday the 20th to determine our next course of action. The doctor thinks that I should be able to have a radioactive iodine shot and then control it daily with pills. Although I was relieved to hear the he thinks that this is all it is, he also let me know that I should have been in for treatment months ago and that I really did gamble with my life. So....let this be a lesson to anyone that thinks that something is wrong with them....don't wait, finding out what it is, is the best way to go....at least you can formulate a plan of attack!!!
Payton is in Texas working on a golf course, so hopefully I will get better at posting if only so that he can see what is going on at home.
A quick note about the kids:
Oakley-- 9, enjoying piano, likes to help her mom (sometimes), raising pigs for the fair
Garrett-- 8, trying to be the man of the house while dad is gone, playing basketball, math whiz
Kyller-- 4, can't wait until kindergarten, loves little sister and can't wait to play with Jace everyday
Charity-- 1, mommy's little girl, looking for dad everyday, talking more and more
I am posting pictures of our house...the finished product since I haven't gotten that done yet and we have been living her 5 months!