Saturday, February 13, 2010

Daddy Say YES

I did change my blog before Valentine's Day. Sounds like deja vu. I think that is what I wrote last year, and I only updated then because everyone wanted an update on how I was doing.

Charity...aka...daddy's princess... has been begging to get her ears pierced for 6 months now. Daddy kept saying no though. This weekend we ventured to Arizona to visit family, and while gone got daddy's permission. Charity was so excited, "Daddy say yes!" She was quite the trooper. They didn't have two people on shift so she had to wait until a girl came back from her lunch break. She wasn't very happy. So we took her to get some food, and then headed back.

This is the most upset she got! She was so good. She just kept admiring herself in the handheld mirror. Then this morning when she woke up. She asked to see her earrings. Then she stood in front of the mirror swaying her head back in forth.

Thanks Daddy!


Aubrey said...

I love it!! She looks so cute with them! I'm surprised Payton could hold out to that adorable girl! Can't wait to see her and the rest of you guys. Now just keep updating so I don't feel so far away!

P.S. The new pic at the top is very cute!

Mark 'n Mindee West said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten! It's been forever since I've seen your family. Hope things are well.